February 22, 2025

5 millionóin a beaconóin the world

According to estimatesóAs of April this year, Unacast had a global presence of approx. 5 millionóWe have to be aware of the fact that there is no need for repetitive activities. As predicted by ABI Research, their number will reach 8 million by the end of 2016óIn April this year, there were approx – as much as 400 millionów.

Beacons are considered one of the fastest growing trendsóin sales and marketing. These devices allow m.in. The new mobile home security system will be launched in April by Unacastóin-store relevant notifications for specific productsóThe Pakomatic mailbox is the ideal place to keep up to date with the latest news and promotions.

According to data from a Walker Sands report, two-thirds of consumersóin-store (67%).) believes that receiving notifications on mobile devices from retailersów and tracking their trafficócustomeróIn-store beacons can have a positive impact on the shopping experience.

The biggest benefits for consumersóThe most important benefits of using Beacon technology in the store were the possibility to get discounts on certain products (52%) and the possibility to use the Beacon technology in the store (52%).The biggest benefits of beacon implementations for consumers are: gaining additional information and opinions about products (36%), gaining knowledge about products (36%), gaining information about products (36%).) and access to the planóIn the case of beacons, the user has to download a dedicated application and turn on Bluetooth, which may limit the number of beacons in the areaóNo other productóIn-store experience (30%).).