March 7, 2025

It will be difficult for Gemius to measure the application market

Continued p róto measure the Polish internet. This time we have some more positive news. After PBI has terminated the agreement with Gfk Polonia and theóThe research was conducted by Gemius, now it is supported byóTogether with it they start the measurement of mobile applications.

The current study shows only results of internet use on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). What Gfk failed to do, PBI now wants to do with Gemius. The service is available to iOS and Android app owners. However, in order to take part in the study, one must have a site-centric audit at Gemius, i.e. a standard contract for researching websites.

The success of the project depends on the dwóch factorów – prices and whether a representative number of publishers will join the surveyów. – In contrast to the model known from the Megapanel PBI/Gemius research, we decided to resign from a separate price list for the audit of mobile applications. The cost of an application audit is included in the price of a site-centric audit, in whichóhe amount of the monthly payment depends on the number of total Real Users of a given publisher registered in the settled month on websites and mobile applications subject to the audit – mówi Michał Włodarczyk of Gemius.

Gemius will therefore count the total reach for websites and applications and base its costs on that. The lowest price for this service is 10 PLN net – 100 thousand. Real Users. Here are some additional progófor those interested. Publisher’s total reach up to 200 thousand. RU is an expense of PLN 25 per month, up to PLN 500 thousand. – 150 zł. Traffic up to one million RU is already a cost of PLN 400 per month, up to dwóch millionów – PLN 900, and up to five – 3,5 thousand. PLN.

These are not the only costs one has to take into account when joining the survey. Additionally, once a quarter, a chargeable inspection of the cryptography of submitted mobile applications is conducted. – It costs between PLN 150-300 per quarter to monitor one application on one platform. The price is just being established – mówi Włodarczyk.

By signing the audit contract, the publisher receives, within the above-mentioned fee, access to gemiusPrism Monitoring (basic version), an analytical tool which enables him to view the statistics of his own web sites and mobile applications audited. Every publisher has a róIt is also possible to purchase the gemiusPrism Enterprise tool (full/extended version) on the basis of a separate agreement.

What about publishers of other applications?

Applications for Windows Phone and other mobile operating systems róThe situation is so difficult that for a long time many publishers can also be audited – First of all, Polish publishers also have their own platforms for measuring traffic, but due to their small share in the Internet traffic in Poland, Gemius decided not to prepare dedicated SDK (Software Development Kits), i.e. information on how to include applications in the measurement.

Measurement of mobile applications is to appear in Gemius results for October this year. If we want to be in the results, our scripted applications must hit the App Store or Google Play by the end of August 2016.

Gemius has work to do

The shareholders of Polskie Badania Internetu (PBI) are: Agora, Allegro, Cyfrowy Polsat, Onet Group, ZPR Media Group,, Polska Press Group, Ringier Axel Springer, and they are the biggest beneficiaries of this research, occupying first positions in the ranking, k tóhe results of the survey are very incomplete today. According to my information, Megapanel’s current users are already pasting SDK codes into their applications, and publishers outside of PBI are gradually being informed about this possibility.

Gemius has a hell of a lot of work ahead of it in order to convince publishersóin outside PBI, and there are tens or even thousands of them. If I manage to do it, there is a chance for quite objective measurements of the Internet in Poland, taking into account the number of websites and mobile applications auditedóhe amount of the monthly payment depends on the number of websites, including desktop and mobile ones, as well as applications. However, the situation is difficult as for a long time many publishers haveów uses different data. The most popular ones like Google Analytics. But róIn our portfolio, there are several dozen applications with a total reach of several millionóThe cost of a site-centric audit is included in the price of a site-centric audit.

In the case of mobile applications, there are at least two more serious obstacles standing in Gemius’ way. First of all, Polish publishers also have their own platforms to measure. – We have developed our own platform to measure traffic in mobile applications. It has been built from scratch by our teamóThe situation, however, is difficultów. Thanks to it we have full freedom. Using the platforms available on the market we have observed the data distribution in cfóIn comparison to what we could observe ourselves in our own panel – móEliza Durnakowska, general manager at Mobiem, in which the Gemius Group is the largest marketer of mobile applicationsóour portfolio includes several dozens of applications with a total reach of several millionóin downloads.

The inability to measure mobile apps for a long time made publishers start using international tools as well, such as Fabric, Flurry. Even their Polish counterparts are beginning to emerge, such as the Mobigate platform, which has been developed for the first time in PolandóWe wrote more about it in April in.

Considering all the above difficulties and limitations, it will not be easy for Gemius to implement this study. But how will the implementation of mobile app measurement in Poland end up – time will tell.