March 9, 2025

1 year old first podcast about mobile in Poland

Wieczór before póThe marathon. Wrocław. Jedrzej and Krzysztof talk about what a podcast is. For Christopher it is a new phenomenon – There are a few broadcasts thatóHe listened to them, but it’s not his habit. He prefers audiobooks. Jedrzej’s passion is working with voice. It already has a few customersów, for whichóWe are the ones who create podcasts.

The next day we run pómarathon. Krzysztof tests airpods in the incessant rain. If the earphone falls out of the ear or gets wet, the marathon will cost 699 PLN. Airpods do a good job. Christopher finishes póhe marathon with a time of 1:45, Jedrzej a little over 2h. Both listen to the podcast while runningów

An hour with a business practitioner gives as much as a business book

An example of this is a conversation with Marcin Zaremba , who is the author of the podcastóWe have been working onóhe created Synerise, Pizza Portal and iTaxi. Podcast with prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska and dr. With Przemek Chojecki, we wereór how the best experts talk about AI in an interesting way. Examples and móknowing the language of the recipient is the key to interesting content in podcasts

The podcast is convenient – You can listen to it while running, in the car or playing with your child. I listen to books and podcasts myselfóin 2-3 hours a day. My wife often laughs that I ask my 1.5 son „hat we listen to a podcast about economics?” and the son answers: Yes! – We listen often, while playing in the sandbox or on a walk.

Before the launch of Escola Mobile, we defined the audience – is the person whoóra creates or manages an app. It’s a marketer in a corporation, it’s a project manager in a medium-sized company, it’s a founder of a startup where mobile channel is important. We get to the ródifferent audiencesóin, but the rules are spóis for me:

– we give practical knowledge based on our experience. Christopher and his guests

– we discuss examples as well as trends in Mobile and more broadly – the impact of technology on people’s lives

– the podcast is not technical. If there are complicated concepts, we try to explain them before we move on

And as for the technique? We believe in the principle that Sound quality is important, but so is the quality of the conversationówców is more important. Content is the basis. Not every guest of Escola Mobile has a studio microphone.

Why we do it?

If I had to describe in one word…out of curiosity!

We used a proven TAYA method – They ask, you answer. Jedrzej was new in the Mobile sphere, but had great knowledge about IT – he coded and hosted the Developer Wannabe podcast . Asked initially Christopher how to make applications, how to position, how to collect ideas, how to take care of UX. This resulted in the first 10 episodesów. They ask, you answer It’s a method where you think about the actual needs of the listeners. You ask in social media groups about topics for the podcast. You listen, what people from the industry are talking about. What knowledge do you want to get from the guest. You ask what the audience wants to hear about.

But we don’t always do it under what they ask. There is a principle of making productóin order to want to use it yourself. And that’s what the podcast is for me. When the topic of education became important (because COVID), we invited Bartek Polakowski from PwC , Marta Machalska (iPro) and Beata Galas (ex-Blackboard) . We don’t regret our time talking about something that is only partially related to the head of the companyóSomething that Facebook doesn’t give you if you’re not interested in it. It’s finally móa podcast!

How to measure the success of a podcast?

Is it just about the number of plays? – not! We enjoy deep conversation, so the actual length of listening to the content. Our audience listens to the episode even in 80%. There are episodes in the pandemic for whoóWe were able to keep our attention for 90% of the episode. It means that the listener knows what he is looking for and why he comes to Escola Mobile.

At the end of the episode we summarize or ask the guest 3-5 most important pieces of advice. The knowledge pill at the end gives listeners the opportunity to incorporate the knowledge into their business practice.

Podcasts that last an hour give you the opportunity to develop your thoughts, have a deep conversation. Something that Facebook or Instagram doesn’t give. Initially, we created theóThe podcasts are one hour long, over time we have increased them to one hour. Listenership remains at a consistently high level of 80-90% of the entire episode.

What percentage of listeners (x-axis) listened to what percentage of the podcast (y-axis). E.g. 9 out of 10 listeners listened to 90% of the podcast. That is, he switches off before the begging. Sometimes even móWe tell our listeners not to share this podcast and to keep everything to themselves. That we share secret knowledge! Well, after all, it’s our podcast and we can share or not 🙂 🙂 🙂 diversity translates into interest

We’ve noticed that the podcast comes full circle. We have people coming back to us whoóre móI know that they listened to episode X and we got the specifics from the guest. It’s another topic of how to select guests and how to pull their tongue.

Guests attract guests. And this builds opportunities

In conversations before and after the recording it comes out that we have more and more friends, the guest recommends his friend, helps us to find more osób, he does the intro. We have the opportunity to invite the most interesting people from the Mobile and wider area – of technology.

We are surprised by the positive reactions of the people we inviteób. After a year of creating the podcast, I refuse toóThere was only one person who could help us. The more difficult challenge was to set a deadline for the seriesów. DetailsóEspecially when the topic is very topical like the episode with mBank .

And that in turn increases the reach and opportunities in the business. When we invite guests, we often hear the comment: yes, I listened to the podcast. The podcast is a great successóand opens many doors. It’s funny what effect the podcast creates. When I was reporting on some business initiatives, earlier people said that they listened toóI was associated with Escola or much earlier work for the Ministry of Finance. Now more and more peopleób associate me with podcasts.

With a guest, in dwóWe’ve been doing this for a whileóThe. We combine

SupportóWorking as a duo requires getting along. Jedrzej has a podcasting background. He’s a terrible talker (that’s why we don’t show him anymore 🙂 Microphone is his tool for work and self-realization. Krzysztof is the president of EscolaSoft and is oriented towards developingój business.

After a few episodes we started to complement each other. Different perspectives allow you to get to the heart of the business conversation. We’re testing podcast configurations and each one is producing results. RóDiversity translates into interest in content.

Example: podcast with Barbara Rogala of CCC . We did this podcast live from Escola office in Warsaw. It took 3 weeks to prepare it. WeóWe were discussing the script, the issues. We avoided agreeing on questions, we talked more about the issues so as not to exhaust the answers before recording.

For several episodesóJędrzej had conversations with Krzysztof and the guests. Then the roles were reversedóand Krzysztof made a series „ Escola 4 Startups ”. We see interest in this series. Probably because we talk to business practitioners. It’s not insignificant that we’ve been consuming content season by season over the last few years, whether it’s on Netflix or Audiobooks.

Add video and it comes out even better

I like to look into the eyes when I talk to someone. That’s why we started doing video podcasts. And record the whole thing live. Eye contact with the conversationóWhat’s more, listeners can get involved by asking questions . As a result, our guests feel motivated to give a valuable answer, the audience can listen/watch interactively, and we try to ask the most interesting questions.

With the addition of video, the podcast has developed into a program. Every Wednesday at 1pm we go live on Facebook , YouTube and Linkedin . We publish the tastiest bites on social media as a krósmall, few-minute films. The conversations with dw are very interestingójka guests. Podcast with prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska and dr. The interview with Przemek Chojecki is an example of how the best specialists talk about AI.

And what have I gained from podcasting (Christopher)

If itóWE WONób móSeptember 2019 with recent conversations, these My communication skills have improved. A smoother mómore, I listen more carefully, I conduct the conversation more effectively. I do a lot of speaking at conferences. But thanks to Escola mobile I gained two things.

The first one is to make sure that I have a good studio set up at home and the technology will not let me down.

The second is a dose of knowledge I gained from the Escola Mobile Guest. I can talk about a lot of things in mobileów! Previously it took 2-3 days to prepare a good speech for a conference, today it takes 2-3 hours, because I already have the topics arranged for the podcast. Camera or microphone are just tools to create valuable content, you just need to break through.

Escola Mobile 1 year summary

1. It is worth doing a podcast. It increases the number of contactsów and creates business opportunities.