4 key findings of the Deloitte report
Ian Geddes, head of research at Deloitte said: „In 2013, mobile, from the IT department, enters the boardroom where communication strategy priorities are built”. For now, this is for the UK market, but it shows a trend thatóWe can expect to see a lot of smartphones in Poland in the near future!
89 percent. BritóIn the 25-34 age group the smartphone
Young people are more affluent, they are mostly targeted by the store’s offeróonline, which is why mobile plays such an important role. If the offer is addressed to individualsób in this age group, there is a huge chance that in cóThey will reach for the phone at some point to interact with the brand.
More than 15 billionóin the poundów were spent in stores using mobile’and during the purchasing process
34 percent. British respondentsów declare that they use their mobile devices as the first source ofósources of product information. This should not come as a surprise, considering the information from the eConsultancy report: Mobile Commerce Compedium. To the question: „What have you been doing on your smartphone in the last week?” as many as 67% of. of those surveyed responded „Searched for information”.
In the Deloitte report it was up to 70 percent of.:
25 percent. surveyed Britishóhave downloaded a mobile shopping app in the last year
In the UK, one in four consumers has an m-commerce app on their phone. In Poland, achieving such a result is impossible due to the number of m-commerc applications. Fortunately, there are more and more of them, so within a maximum of twoóch years we will reach similar statistics of mobile technology usage.
Young people are mobile app enthusiasts
Nearly half of the respondents (48%) are interested in the mobile market.) Britishów declares that he prefers to shop via a mobile app than via a website. The young generation is „sticky” to a smartphoneóThey don’t part with them for a second, and it’s only natural that they’ll also shop on them.