March 10, 2025

I cóbut from Sweden. Why it is worth looking at the póNorth when it comes to m-commerce

Polish market of mobile purchaseóThe Internet is developing very quickly. There are, however, countries where m-commerce is at a much higher level than in Poland, so it is worth taking a closer look at them and see what we can do and implement best practices. What to do to make this sector gain even more momentum in Poland? Let’s take a look at Sweden.

Internet coverage and speed

Good coverage and fast internet is the basis for móc think about the development of mobile shoppingów. Sweden has been at the forefront for many yearsówce countryóin terms of the average speed of Internet connections. According to Akamai’s report for Q4 2016. The average internet connection speed was 22.846 Mbps. Only three countries could boast a better result: South Korea, Hong Kong and Norway. In Poland it was on average 12.35 Mbps.

Smartphone marketóin Sweden is already very mature – does not have a high growth rate for a simple reason – practically everyone there has a smartphone. Our neighbors from póhe North is second in terms of smartphone market penetrationów. Global Mobile Market Report from April this year shows that with the result of 72.2% they are second only to the Sheikhs from the United Emiratesóin Arabian. In this respect, we have nothing to be ashamed of, we are ranked 21. place, with 63.4% of.

According to PeO Axelsson, CEO of Marknadschefern (an organization of over 4,000 chiefó(and 39% of consumers surveyed in marketing working in Sweden), these two factors have a decisive impact when it comes to mobile shoppingóm-commerce. – Ogólncessible high-speed internet and a smartphone at hand made us Swedes love this kind of shopping very quicklyów. In my opinion m-commerce is no longer a trend, but a common phenomenon – mówi.

Non-automated transactionsóinancial

Ready-to-use paymentsóThe Swedish market is practically a relic of the past. Nowadays, apps are the most importantót gotóThe Swedish economy accounts for less than 2% of Swedish GDP, which is the lowest in the world. In Poland gotóThe amount of money in circulation now accounts for 7.4% of gross domestic product. As a testament to the strength of mobile shopping, Swish, the P2P payment app, has been used at least once a month by over 5 millionóin SwedenóIn fact, more than half of the country’s population. For cfównania, Blik (the native equivalent of Swish) had 2 million registered mobile apps at the end of June 2016 (the data does not indicate what portion of these are actually used regularly).

Non-cash payments sectoróHowever, the mobile shopping market in Poland is doing very well, in terms ofóIn comparison to other countriesóWe are really at a high level – as a nationód very eager to take advantage of innovations in this area. It is not a coincidence that Poland was the first country after the United Kingdom to develop a mobile deviceócountry, in whichóIn the same year, Google launched Android Pay (in contrast, Sweden is the third European country to launch Samsung Pay).

Consumer behaviourów

Poland is a market with very high growth dynamics in terms of mobile purchaseów. According to Mcommerce Report. I Buy Mobile, compiled in November 2016, 45% of useróin a smartphoneóThe number of people who use them for shopping purposes (e.g. (while 39% of consumers surveyed in marketing working in Sweden shopped on a mobile device on a regular basis)óin mobile.

However, we are still a long way from Sweden. A report compiled by CupoNation indicates that 51% of residentsóin this country made a purchaseóin mobile. As the mainóThe biggest advantage of shopping on mobile devicesóThe Swedes point to the convenience of using a smartphone (DIBS report), but there is a lot of room for improvement here – 41% of Swedesóin admitted that they have abandoned their orderóThe two above factors have a decisive impact when it comes to mobile search, as the website was not designed to be displayed on mobile devices.

Abandoned shopping carts are the biggest bane of storeóin the online sector, also in the shopping sectoróin mobile e-commerce. High quality pictures and detailed descriptions of the productów are key regardless of the latitude. In the middle of last year, the market research company Nielsen published the results of a survey conducted amongód AmericansóThe two factors above have a decisive impact on the development, as the website was not adapted to the resolution of mobile devices. The key aspect during the purchaseód the opportunity to see a product in detail. This was confirmed by 62% of respondentsóIn Sweden, the number of smartphone users is less than 2%óThe number of people using mobile paymentótabletsów.

PeO Axelsson of Marknadscheferna believes that one of the key barriers to purchasingóThe main problem with the mobile phone is the lack of possibility to see the product in detail: – Free delivery or returns are a surefire way to get a great dealóThey encourage people to shop onlineóThe key to online shopping, and specifically in m-commerce, will be product viewing solutionsófrom all sides.

An interesting tool is 3ngage, which works in html5/webgl technology and allows you to browse objectsóin the trój dimension, directly from the height of the browser. Viewing a product while visiting a coffee shop or riding the subway? Sounds interesting…

Applications are the key to success

In the Ecommerce in the Nordics 2016 report we can read a statement by Anders Halvarsson, founder of NetonNet, the largest online electronics store in Scandinavia, whoóry claims that apps will be the mainóThe key driver of mobile e-commerce. His opinion is reflected in reality: already now, one in four Swedes who buy with a smartphoneóusing the app.

In Poland, applications are also becoming more and more popular, but even here we have some catching up to do. In the already mentioned report M-commerce. I buy mobile, every fifth Internet user indicated that they use shopping applicationsóin shopping purposes (not only buying, but also looking for opinions about products or discounts).

Development perspectives

As the numbers quoted above show, the Swedish market is much more mature in terms of mcommerce. However, we have nothing to be ashamed of, especially when it comes to the development of smartphonesóIn comparison with other countries in our region. There are really interesting perspectives ahead of us, at least from the twoóThe reasonów. First, in terms of sophistication and use of non-cash transactionsóWe are among the world’s leading social media marketing agenciesóin. The largest corporations are eagerly taking advantage of thisóThe mobile phone companies are launching their pilot projects in Poland (e.g. the already mentioned Android Pay). The second aspect is the dynamic growth of smartphone ownersóin (within dwóThe number of chatbots has increased by more than half over the years). As recently as in 2015, 41% of us declared owning a smartphone, while this year it was already over 63%.

There will be no second Japan, but a second Sweden, at least in m-commerce, is very possible.


Maciej Wernicki, senior account manager, Spook. Polish-Swedish marketing agency, specializing in the retail and payments sector. Develops and supervises cross-promotional projects and pro-sales actions.