October 22, 2024

SEO agency – what does it do and how can it help you grow your business

Many people associate SEO with a simple process of buying a large number of links. Nothing more misleading. It is a complicated activity, which can be handled by even a dozen or so people. What is SEO and how does an SEO agency work?

What is SEO?

SEO is the process of increasing the visibility of a website in search engines. This acronym stands for search engine optimization. It can be translated as search engine optimization. On the Polish market this process is also referred to as positioning. Activities related to SEO can be clearly divided into two groups. The first of these is related to performing onsite optimization activities, or onsite. This includes all work related to the creation and editing of content, elimination of errors or development of the site with the necessary subpages. The second group of activities includes those performed outside the website. These are so called offsite activities, i.e. everything that is related to links. Among them we can mention analyzing the profile of links leading to the page, searching for expired or dying domains, or finally acquiring links from valuable domains.

Keywords, or the basis of every SEO campaign

Skillful analysis of phrases in terms of SEO is the first step to effective positioning. Selected keywords are placed in the elements of the page. These can be titles, headings, URLs or alternative descriptions of images and the text itself – description of the service or product. The times when what counted was the repetition of an appropriate number of phrases in a given length of text are irrevocably gone. Therefore, finding a compromise between SEO needs and naturalness of text is not as difficult as it seems at first.

Positioning friendly website structure

Directly related to keywords is the issue of page structure. Inexperienced positioners often make the mistake of creating additional pages for all previously selected keywords. The correct solution is to prepare thematic groups and then expand the site according to them, rather than individual phrases. In this way the so-called cannibalisation will be avoided. It is a negative phenomenon for the visibility of a website when several subpages fight for search engine positions for the same keywords.

What kind of work does SEO agency do?

SEO agencies are responsible for preparing the strategy of onsite and offsite activities mentioned before. As already mentioned, positioning does not just boil down to a few simple steps. For this reason it is worth entrusting it not to one person but to a whole team, i.e. an SEO agency. Each of the employees employed by the company specializes in a different area. Individual persons are involved in audits, reports, consulting, content marketing or link building.

Assistance in choosing optimal technological solutions

Internet stores offering thousands of products, sites aggregating offers or comparison sites require analysis in terms of technological solutions. Using its knowledge and experience, SEO agency will advise you on the technologies applied on the website, recommending methods beneficial not only for the positioning, but also for user experience.

SEO audit – comprehensive analysis of the website

SEO agency starts the positioning process with preparing a website audit. This analysis is an extensive study of every possible issue affecting the positioning. Thanks to this, you will learn how to expand and improve the website from a technical point of view. SEO audit also includes guidelines on how to expand the content. It also presents your website in comparison to your competitors. An essential element of the analysis is a report on the current state of the website. It includes information about visibility in Google, website traffic and inbound link profile. SEO analysis is a document that includes a plan of action strategy and – importantly – its short and long term goals.

Content creation on the basis of semantic analysis

On the basis of the audit, the SEO agency implements a plan of extending the website in terms of content. Within the website, existing subpages are optimized or completely new ones are created. These may be product pages, product categories, service descriptions or simply the main page of the website. Changes to individual pages are made in accordance with semantic analysis. This means that individual elements are optimised not only for selected keywords, but also according to related phrases, i.e. synonyms, close words and words related to a given topic. The content should be optimized to completely cover the topic to which it relates.

In order to gain high positions on given keywords it may be necessary to prepare completely new subpages. These could be, for example – in the case of online stores – new product categories listed by use, type or design. On company websites the analysis may show

deficiencies in descriptions of services or offer directed at a particular area or for a particular group of recipients. The SEO agency takes care of comprehensive preparation of content for your website or will send you guidelines taking into account the key issues in text implementation.

Link building – analysis and acquisition of links

SEO agency handles all offsite activities. The starting point is a comprehensive link profile analysis. Specialist tools are used to examine the quality of links, their subject matter, number and type of anchors directing to the analysed page. At Takaoto we mainly use Ahrefs tool for this purpose. Then, depending on your budget and established goals, implements an appropriate link building strategy. It includes above all support for content marketing, i.e. creation of valuable, thematically related content linking to a target website on websites meeting specific conditions in terms of positioning value. In addition, SEO specialists perform research on valuable blogs, and then establish cooperation with bloggers in order to acquire links. Whisper marketing, i.e. recommendation of services on valuable websites selected by the agency, can be a useful supplement of link building activities.