October 22, 2024

4 reasons whyówhy it is worth using Apple Search Ads campaigns in the App Store

The possibility of promoting mobile applications and games through Apple Search Ads in Polish App Store in paid search results was made available in March this year.

Apple Search Ads is a platform available in the dwóch in Basic and Advanced versions. When promoting apps in Apple Search Ads Basic, we bill on a per-install model without the ability to target the user in paid search results. Apple itself chooses who to display ads to.

A more advanced version is Apple Search Ads Advanced, where you have the possibility of extensive targeting of the search resultsóin key words (exact match, approximate match, or match to search).

Ads in paid search results of App Store are characterized by high average wspóTTR (ATTR) TTR – 6.06% in cfmóThe metadata is based on the results of the search enginesóclickthrough rates for ads on other platforms Facebook News Feed – 1.46%, Facebook Audience Network – 1.40% Facebook Messenger – 0.67%, Google Search – 2,6%.

Of course TTR róvaries depending on the app category (Health and Fitness – 10.07%, Business – 8.12%, Sport – 5.28%, Games – 4,69%). The percentage data comes from Adstage and SearchAdsHQ.

One of the most important issues is the high conversion rate (CVR) from tap to install. It can be as high as 50%-55%. In skrów e want every second tap on an ad to bring you an install of an app or game.

In the following text I will present 4 reasons for whichóIt is worth to implement a strategy of acquiring usersów through Apple Search Ads campaigns.

1. Preparation of metadata based on the resultsóin the campaign

Several factors are responsible for search results in the App Storeów. Some are developer-dependent, while others are not.

The most important factors affecting the positions of the wordsóin key words, on whichódeveloper has influence is the name of the application (visible in search results, up to 30 charactersóThe following keywords are visible in the search results up to 30 charactersóin) and keywords (not visible in search results, 100 signów). We also add in-app namesóin, but in this text I focused on the title, subtitle and keywords.

When introducing a new application to the App Store and preparing metadata, the developer often relies on tools such as Mobile Action or ASODesk. These tools are very helpful in building an ASO strategy, but the real data from the profitability of a given wordóThe Apple Search Ads campaign will bring you the key words.

Thanks to it you will see what the real views in search results look like, how much purchaseóin the game or registration in the application brings you a given keyword and what the ROAS from a given ad campaign looks like.

Based on the results in the paid search results you will be able to prepare new metadata for subsequent keyword changes, whichóthat are converting and bringing you revenueód.

2. Boost wordsóin the organic search results

Metadata in the application has a limited number of charactersów. For several years, the number of characterów for a title is reduced. By conducting App Store Optimization audits for our clientsów e would like to be able to use 50 charactersóin the title and 50 charactersóin the subtitle. Ideally, you should use 200 charactersóThe percentage data comes from Adstage and SearchAdsHQ. The percentage data comes from Adstage and SearchAdsHQ.

Unfortunately, a limited number of signsódoes not allow for this. Here Apple Search Ads comes to our aid.

In our clients’ campaignsóWe see increases for the wordsóin key words, whichów that we do not use in metadata. Additionally, these keywords are out of the search results at the start of the campaign.

Increases are starting to show up in organic search results using these wordsóin the keywords in the paid campaigns. Most of the wordsóin key words enter the TOP 10 and remain there even after the app or game promotion is stopped. One of the best strategies for building a list of wordsóin key words are lettersó(name of competition, type of game, etc.). With the Apple Search Ads campaign you are able to build such a letteróThe in-app names are also added to the search results, additionally gaining installation with a low CPA (Cost Per Acquisition often confused with Cost per action).

3. Ability to find wordsóin key words with low CPA

Competition in Advanced campaigns for exact matches and proximate matches is huge. A place in the paid search results is occupied even by a dozen or so applications or games.

The important issue will be the strategy you adopt. Do you want to compete in the paid search results and pay for the installation of an app or a game for a dozen PLN each or find keywords with low and medium search volume paying much less for a valuable installation.

Are you able to find keywords in 2019 where you won’t be competing with 15 or 20 apps?

Of course. It will take you some time, but it will be worth it. If you have a limited budget don’t use the approximate fit of the wordóin key. Focus only on exact matches and constantly monitor CPT (cost per tap) and CPA (cost per install). You should measure your campaign results on an attribution platform.

4. High tolerance for accepting ads for selected categories

In the porównn to Facebook installation campaign or Universal Campaign (UAC). Apple has a high “tolerance” for advertising selected categories of mobile apps.

For example, betting, bitcoin or lending applications have a big problem with launching a promotional campaign on Facebook (I wonder why Coinbase doesn’t have this problem 🙂 ) or on Google.

The developer of such apps will never be sure if the installation campaign will be accepted and if by chance he will be forced to look for another sourceódvice for application installation.

In Apple Search Ads, bitcoin, bookmaker and loan apps do not have this problem. For this type of app, Apple Search Ads is often the sourceóthe number 1 source of iOS app downloads.

To sum up in one sentence – In 2019, Apple Search Ads will be the so-called. “must have” when building a marketing strategy for your mobile app or game.

And how are you doing with Apple Search Ads campaigns?